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Attendance Policies/Procedures
Students enrolled in Camden County Schools may be excused from school attendance for one of the following reasons.
1. personally ill and attendance in school would endanger their health or the health of others;
2. in their immediate family, there is a serious illness or death which would reasonably necessitate absence from school;
3. observing special and recognized religious holidays of their faith
4. mandated by order of governmental agencies (Examples: pre-induction physical examination for service in the armed forces or a court order);
5. conditions render attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety;
6. to visit with a military parent or guardian who has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting; (There will be a maximum of five school days excused for this purpose per school year.) or
7. any other absence not explicitly herein but deemed by the local board of education to have merit based on circumstances.
Notes should be written for an absence to be excused and should...
be turned in within two days of returning to school
be signed by a parent or guardian
explain the reason for the absence
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
Late Check-in: 8:30 is when the tardy bell rings and the school day begins. Any student arriving to school after this time needs to be accompanied by the adult bringing them to school for check-in at the front office.
Early Dismissal: 3:00 is the end of our early dismissal. Students must be checked out prior to this time or remain at school until regular dismissal time. (Please be mindful that classes are operating until 3:15, so students should not be picked up prior to that time on a regular basis.)
All visitors must check-in at the front office to obtain a visitors pass.
All items that are dropped off for your student needs to be brought to the front office to be delivered to their classroom by a staff member.
The Parent Resource Center is located in the Front Lobby.
Georgia Milestone End of Grade Assessment Guides for:
PowerSchool - You can monitor your child’s progress through PowerSchool at District Website or at Power School . Contact your child’s teacher for more information regarding grades if you have any questions.